Young Life kids and leaders raising money for camp by picking up trash for donations
There have been
many times over the last 38 years that I have wondered why God has continued to keep me in Young Life. This usually happens in the Spring when club gets smaller, campaigners gets hard to schedule and kids just kind of drift away. I usually hear the lies of Satan telling me "Your too old" or "Kids don't want to hang out with you" or other such easily believed but untrue words to discourage and drag me down. I don't think that I am indispensable or that God can't have something else in store for me but I know that the Evil One loves to whisper lies that seem like they could be true, knowing my weaknesses.
What I discovered a few days ago in a conversation was that this spring I have not heard or maybe have not listened to these words of the Father of Lies. What I also discovered was that God has continually and graciously encouraged me this year and I hadn't even thought about it at all!
What brought it to mind, now, was the fact that last week after I had given a YL club talk on the cross, one of the high school guys in our club came up afterward to say thanks and that he got it. We sat down for a while a got to talk about his life and where he is with God. Here was this 55 year old grandmother and this teenage high school guy(who some might describe as a skater) having a conversation about life and the Savior. I just thought- what an amazing God we serve Who surprises us with little gifts of encouragement when we least expect it. I love that about Him!
I am truly blessed to be able to be a part of the lives of high school guys and girls and watch God work in them. He has blessed me with a sweet, sweet group of freshman girls this year that I love and enjoy more than I can say. I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to mature them in the next 3 years of high school.
So, never think that God can't use you and use you in ways that you might not expect. He has a wonderful sense of humor and an unending capacity of love and grace.